1800 - 5525 -55 salse@ananthanaturals.com

Sustainable agriculture can be defined as the form of agriculture aimed at meeting the food and fuel needs of the present generation without endangering the resource base for the future generations. Over decades of science and practice, several key sustainable farming practices have emerged.

How SPNF practices makes famers Self-sustainable :

  • Farmers practicing SPNF have optimal crop yields with low-cost input and have expanded income sources. Savings on the cost of seeds, fertilizers and plant protection chemicals have been substantial which makes farmers financially self-sustainable
  • Fixed asset value of the farmers land in terms of soil fertility and productivity is ultimately improved through 5 wheels of SPNF practices
  • SPNF’s potential in enhancing soil fertility , preserving biodiversity and ecosystem services, strengthening climate resilience makes it environmentally sustainable
  • Food and Nutritional security achieved through SPNF produce makes SPNF Socially sustainable